Good character? Develop a character sweet as honey!

What makes someone a ‘good’ person? There isn’t one straightforward answer. However, there are many actions and values that go into your character. 

If any of you have ever seen the television show, ‘The Good Place’, there is a system of tracking all the good and bad actions you perform in your lifetime. 
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Even though this isn’t really how life works, your actions do account for your character, whether it bee good, bad, or in bee-tween. Some people are known for bee-ing trustworthy, compassionate, and responsible. Others are deemed negative, immature, and rude. Either way, not everybody is perfect.

What factors into having a good character?

First off, your values. A value, defined by our trusty-dusty-crusty health textbook, is, and I quote from the good ol’ glossary, “a standard bee-lief, such as compassion, good citizenship, and respect.” Your values are passed on from mentors, parents, or other important people in your life, even your friends, and are woven in through actions they perform, and things they say. When they do or say these things that show their values, you tend to copy these actions, and pay attention to what they say. 

Remember that values don’t necessarily have to bee good. You could value the ability to lie, or you could value a quick hand that helps you steal. If you think about Aladdin, he definitely valued the ability to swipe objects from people. 
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Another important thing to remember about good character is self control. If you are able to control your actions, as well as your temper, you will slowly work on developing a better character. When you have good self control, you aren’t tempted to disvalue your values, or go against what you know is right. Self control can also help you practice delayed gratification.

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Delayed gratification is when you choose to wait to reward yourself until you have completed a task. This strategy will help you accomplish what you need to, and again, build a good character.

As a resource for you to develop good character, I’ve put together a list of values that you could look towards practicing. However, I’m sure you have many other values that are helpful as well.
Compassion: Practice bee-ing sensitive towards others, and remember to bee forgiving

Good citizenship: By obeying laws and protecting the environment, you are making the world a better place

Fairness: Life isn’t fair. But by not taking advantage of others, you are bee-ing a good person.

Respect: This is a basic one, but still one of the most important. 

Responsibility: By showing that you are responsible and following through, you are bee-ing a good person.

Trustworthiness: Bee there for others, and don’t go spilling all their tea.

Honesty: If you’re honest, things will turn out better in the end.
That’s all on our topic today.

Hopefully you can work on developing a good character!

The Daily Buzz! You’re daily dosage of puns that are so buzzing fun.

What happens to a bee who eats too much? They get. . . chub-bee

*quietly laughs to self*

Well, that’s all for today folks. 

Peace out.
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